Cemetery: St. Dominic, D'Hanis, Medina, TX, USA

Source Information

  • Title Cemetery: St. Dominic, D'Hanis, Medina, TX, USA 
    Short Title St. Dominic Cemetery, Medina County Texas 
    Author Margaret Meyer Simpson  
    Repository RootsWeb.com 
    Source ID S20 
    Text I walked and transcribed this cemetery in 2002. # is the position in the row, left to right; a number used twice in the same row means they are on the same marker. Birth and Death are from the cemetery, if complete dates are known from other sources, they will be listed under Comments. Comments in quotes are from the tombstone; others are mine. Surname in parentheses is maiden name.
    by Margaret Meyer Simpson copyright 2002. 
    Linked to Marie Anne Braun
    Maryann Kempf
    Anna Marie Lieber
    Elisabeth Rudinger
    Joseph Rudinger
    Mary Ann Rudinger
    Johann Turner
    Jacques Wolff
    Sebastian Wolff